Paid Social Media

Paid Social Media

$ 5,000.00 USD
$ 8,550.00 USD

We put our money where our mouth is, and deliver on our promise to create epic content that will generate an even more epic return on investment, add on our paid social media advertising service & we will give your brand high growth & the increased revenue it deserves.

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Paid Social Media Management, Strategy & Consultancy
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What is a paid social media advertising?

Paid social media advertising involves brands paying for promotional methods on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Advertisers select ad formats, target specific audiences based on demographics and interests, set budgets and bidding strategies, choose ad placements, and track performance metrics in real-time. It's a strategic way to boost brand visibility, drive website traffic, generate leads, and achieve marketing goals.

Here is an example of a paid social media ad that generated high growth for Joel & Sons, produced by us:

Why should your company invest in paid social media?

Get your brand name out there
Too often than not. Businesses will invest in video or photography, and unfortuantly not do anything with it. This breaks our hearts. Don't be a fool that is just sat on a pot of gold with no plans on how to use it. Get it out to the world and show your potential customers how great your products and services are.

Target the right people at the right time
No more throwing your message into the digital abyss and hoping for the best. With paid social media, it's all about precision and targeting, which means being able to put your content in front of the exact people who are itching to get their hands on your products or services, right when they're most interested.

It's super cost effective
Did we mention that paid social media is one of the most cost-effective methods of digital marketing? Other traditional marketing methods can be budget-busters with uncertain returns, but with paid social media, you get to set your budget, control spending, and see real-time results and the return on your investment. Lovely stuff.

Why should you run paid social media with Trendy Grandad?

Pretty much every brand and their dog is using paid social media right now to get their name heard and sell more of their products and services. But why should your company jump on the bandwagon... with a video production agency? Well firstly, paid social media gets your message in front of the right people at the right time. It's all about laser-focused targeting – reaching folks who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. Plus, with our creative insight and knowhow of how to make content that people genuinely want to see, it's pretty much a mix too good to be true.

With a special blend of thumb-stopping creativity, precise targeting and data-driven optimisation, you can rely on Trendy Grandad to bring a dash of character to your digital marketing strategy with paid social media.Our targeting capabilities empower you to showcase your products or services directly to the individuals actively seeking your solutions, and even those that don't know they need you yet. Like with all our services, we will collaborate with you to determine the most suitable advertising platforms, ensuring your investment goes where it can most effectively foster your business's growth, produce the biggest return on your investment and all that other important stuff.

Our process for paid social media ads

Set your goals
First off, figure out what you want to achieve. Are you after more website traffic, leads, or sales? Knowing your goal helps shape your strategy and let's us know what we need to do in order to get your ads up to scratch.

Platforms and budget
Choose the platforms where your audience hangs out - Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Tiktok... we loose count these days. And finally we'll need to make sure you've got a nice budget signed off by the finance department for you to work with.

Craft Killer Ads
If you're not already armed with draw-dropping content to use for your ads, we've got you. We'll shoot the content, design ads that grab attention and write copy that won't get out of your head to make sure your message is crystal clear. Most importantly, we are experts in creating content that converts & drives high growth.

Let's go live
Once everything is looking spectacular and everyone is happy, it's time to hit that launch button. We'll keep a close eye on how the ads are doing, tweak anything as needed, and you can sit back and watch your goals turn into wins.

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Frequently asked questions

Hopefully we've covered everything you possibly would want to know about video production, photography & paid social media. But if we haven't, you might just need to look below in our frequently asked questions that cover from storyboarding to editing to pricing for delivering professional video content.

How much does Video Production Cost?

Video production can cost anywhere from £5000 to £100,000, it has a lot of varying factors.

If you don't know how much you want to spend our best advice is to take some time looking through references or some of our films, this should help us give you a better idea of the budget you need to meet your expectations.

Secondly, if you have a budget, tell us! That way we can work a creative idea into your budget and meet your expectations.

How can I track return on investment if I invest in video production?

We hold many years experience adopting various methods of tracking metrics to help give our clients ROI figures whilst delivering the message through our films. Examples of how we do this lie in the form of trackable links, emails, interactive video and pairing creative with various forms of paid campaigns. We pride ourselves on being data driven.

What are the stages of video production?

Video production involves several stages, each crucial to creating a compelling and effective visual story. The production process typically consists of three main stages: pre-production, production, and post-production.

Our clients at Trendy Grandad going through a comprehensive signing off process through every stage of the production & all stages are produced by us in-house.

How long does video production take?

When the time comes we have over a decade of experience moving quickly producing premium video ads however it doesn't always have to be fast moving.

Allowing a project to breathe & to gain valuable feedback can massively improve a productions quality, if the time allows.