Let’s talk!

If you're looking for a video production company that oozes creativity and cares about the cash in your back pocket, we're the crew for you!

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Frequently asked questions

We get it, video, and creative strategy can be a minefield, we're here to take that stress away.

Let's ease that burden right now by helping you with some answers to our most commonly asked questions.

How much does high production video cost?

It can cost £500, it can cost £50,000.

We are very transparent when it comes to cost & why this question is so difficult to answer is because there are so many factors to video production.

If you're a premium brand, you will want a good looking set, high quality talent & a high quality production. This won't be a small amount of money.

Our best advice is to find as many references as you can to put in your brief so the production company has an idea of your expectations.

Secondly, if you have a budget, share this with us, as it helps us in the ideation stage come up with an idea that fits in with your costs.

How long does THE CREATIVE

The short answer, the time it takes to generate the best result possible.

We have over a decade of experience in turning around high quality work in a very short space of time however sometimes giving space to let a project breathe & gather feedback can massively improve a production.

Do I need to have a brief to appoint a Trendy Grandad?

No, not at all! It's common that clients will come to us with just an idea and we will help them shape their brief after going through our discovery framework.

After all, the best creativity & results come from collaboration.

I already have a paid MEDIA AGENCY, do you offer just video production?

Yes of-course! We will always take a keen interest into how your creative will generate you a return, that's just in our blood, but we don't necessarily have to be doing that work for you!

As long as you are getting more than what you put in, that's what matters to us!