8 key benefits of adding product videos to your shopify store - 2024!

January 30, 2024
5 Mins
8 key benefits of adding product videos to your shopify store - 2024!

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Creating your viewing environment

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But first, what is a product video?

A product video is like the Hollywood trailer for a product. It's a short and snappy video that showcases all the awesome features, benefits, and reasons why you absolutely need to get your hands on whatever they're selling. Think of it as the cool storyteller of the product world, using visuals, music, and a sprinkle of enthusiasm to make you go, "Yep, take my money!"

Here is an example of a product video we created for Mauvais clothing:

So, is is worth adding products to your Shopify store?

In short, yes. But let us convince you. Adding videos to your Shopify store is like turning your online shop into a blockbuster movie. (Maybe a slight exaggeration) Why settle for a plain ol' product page when you can have a dynamic, eye-catching video stealing the show?

Customers consume content in so many different ways nowadays and watching videos is an increasing trend! So, instead of your customers staring at static images, they get to watch a mini-movie about your awesome products. Who wouldn't prefer that? You've got to understand that people don't have much time & they are lazy (no shame, we all are) – videos make it easier for them to understand what you're selling without reading a novel.

So, in the grand scheme of things, is it worth it? Totally! It's like adding special effects to your online shop – more engaging, more memorable, and more likely to make your customers feel like they just stepped into your high street store!

So, what are the benefits of adding video to your shopify store?

  • Shopify Glam: Transform your plain ol' Shopify store into a visual extravaganza by adding videos. It's like giving your customers front-row seats to the coolest show in town – your products in action, who doesn't want that? All thanks to some creative video production!

  • Lazy-Friendly Shopify Shopping: Let's be real, we're all a bit lazy. With Shopify videos, customers can effortlessly understand your products without breaking a sweat. No need to read a novel when you can watch the highlight reel!

  • Memorable AF on Shopify: People remember movies, not still shots. A killer video, thanks to expert video production, creates a lasting impression. Your Shopify store goes from "Oh, that one place" to "Oh, the Shopify store with the awesome videos!"

  • Shopify Storytime, Anyone?: Videos let you tell a story, especially when tailored for your Shopify store. Showcase the journey of your product, how it's made, or just let your brand personality shine. It's like bringing your brand to life – and who doesn't love a good story

  • Boosts Shopify Conversion: It's not just about looking cool; it's about the cha-ching on Shopify! Shopify stores with videos, crafted through savvy video production, are more likely to convert visitors into customers. It's the secret sauce for turning window shoppers into happy buyers on your Shopify platform

Our process for creating product videos for ecommerce brands

1. Planning: This phase involves defining the goals of the video, identifying the target audience, and outlining the key messages and features to be highlighted.

2. Scripting: A script is developed to outline the content and structure of the video. This includes the narration, dialogue, and any on-screen text or graphics.

3. Pre-production: This stage involves tasks such as casting if there are actors, selecting locations, organising props, and planning the shoot logistics.

4. Production: The actual filming of the video takes place during this phase. This may involve shooting the product in different settings, capturing demonstrations, and recording any necessary voiceovers.

5. Editing: The raw footage is edited to create a polished and cohesive final product. This includes adding music, graphics, and any special effects, as well as trimming and arranging the video clips.

6.Post-production: After the initial edit, additional steps such as colour correction, sound mixing, and finalising the video for distribution are carried out.

Why should you use Trendy Grandad, the ecommerce video specialists, to help you?

Well, we've just told you! Our video production company are ecommerce specialists, in short that means that really good at product videos and working with ecom brands. We hold a decade of experience doing it and our knowledge spans across working with many global brands. If you're looking for this type of help, we would love to speak to you. Contact us here

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