How much do product photographers charge? 2024 prices!

April 29, 2024
5 Minutes
How much do product photographers charge? 2024 prices!

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In the world of e-commerce and digital marketing, product photography serves as a means to subtly influence consumer decisions through captivating and inspiring visuals. However, behind every eye-catching product image lies the expertise and effort of a skilled product photographer or creative agency. But what is the cost of accessing these product photography services in London in 2024? We’ve listed the intricacies of product photography costs to help you understand the factors contributing to its pricing, which will help you ultimately make an educated decision when it comes to showing your products off to the world.

So, to start with the basics, product photography is the art of capturing images that showcase products in their best light. This entails highlighting their features, benefits, and overall aesthetics. It's more than just taking pictures; it's about crafting a visual narrative that captivates potential customers and compels them to make a purchase, all while adhering to and contributing to your brand perception.

It’s safe to say that we’re still very much in an online shopping era, so high-quality product photography plays a crucial role in driving sales for brands. Product photography and e-commerce photography gives brands the chance to provide customers with a clear understanding of what they're purchasing and arguably more importantly, distinguishes your brand from you competitors. In essence, compelling product images are essential for success in the competitive marketplace - especially in the digital world.

Now, let's explore the five key factors affecting the cost:

Idea: The conceptualisation and creative direction of the shoot significantly influence the cost. Elaborate themes or intricate concepts will likely require more resources and time, thus impacting the overall price.

Locations: Whether the shoot occurs in a studio, on-location, or requires specialised settings greatly affects the cost. Studio rentals, permits for outdoor shoots, or travel expenses for on-location shoots all contribute to the final bill.

Quality: The expertise and reputation of the content agency play a pretty big role in determining the cost. Experienced creatives will often have professional equipment which will impact the overall quality of the imagery, such as props and lighting.

Time: The duration of the shoot, encompassing pre-production, actual shooting time, and post-production editing, influences the cost. Lengthier shoots or projects with tight deadlines may incur additional charges.

Deliverables: The number of final images required, their complexity, and any additional services like retouching, CGI or image licensing impact the overall cost.

When it comes to shooting product photography in London, you can expect the cost to range anywhere from £1000 to £10,000, depending on the factors we've discussed. Yep, that's quite a broad spectrum, but, it's all about catering to the unique needs and expectations of our clients! So whether you're a startup looking to make your mark or a seasoned multinational corporation – there's a service option that fits your budget and matches your creative vision. For further details on ecommerce product photography or if you simply fancy a chat with a London-based product photography agency, feel free to reach out to us at We can’t wait to hear your ideas.

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