How to increase conversion rate using video in 2024

January 17, 2024
5 Mins
How to increase conversion rate using video in 2024

Start your career as color grading editor

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Choosing the right color software

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Choosing the best computer monitor

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Creating your viewing environment

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Did you know that a video on a landing page can increase conversion rate by 80%? I mean, i think we all know by now that video can help when it comes to conversion rate optimisation because it captures people’s attention much faster than text & over 48% of consumer actually prefer to consume information through video. But it's one thing creating a video & another thing converting a viewer to a paying customer. So how do you optimise your conversion rate using video? Here are 5 must use methods that a working ecommerce specialist video production company use, to increase their clients conversion rates:

Set expectations in your hook

Your video ads need to do two things; hook your audience in & then keep them there. If you hook them in with one thing & then try and sell them something else, your viewers are going to bounce. You can usually see if this is happening on your ads by measuring the percentage watch time or bounce off rate. On the flip side, if you aren't managing to gain any viewing time then it's most likely because your hook isn't good enough.

Attention grabbing videos should have one purpose, that's to hook you in and push your further down the marketing funnel. If you video ads not performing as well as you'd like them too, here are 3 methods you should be using in your video hooks:

  1. Your content should have one purpose, if you're trying to get it do multiple things then chances are it's in not going to perform as you want it to. Make sure you create your videos to grab attention, nothing else!
  2. Does the first few shots in your video have the 'shock' factor? No. Then how do you expect to break through the noise?
  3. To think of ideas find references from different industries. If you copy your competitors you won't produce original videos in your industry.

Ensure your CTA is strong & littered throughout

Weaving in your call to action (CTA) throughout your video is very important because not everyone will watch your videos in their entirety. However, your proposition & CTA should not be at the forefront of your videos as, you guessed it, people don't like being sold too.

So, how do you ensure your CTA is strong & littered throughout? You want it to be prominent so consumers can easily buy your product but you also want it to be subtle so they don't click off. In our opinion video content that doesn't even talk about the sale/purchase is the best form of selling. You want your consumer to feel like they can't live without your product, rather than being told they should have it.

We'd be happy to give you advice on how you can achieve this - contact us here

Use the right video at the right stage of the funnel

As we said before, it's one thing hooking in your audience & it's another thing keeping there so you need to ensure you're using the correct video at the right stage of the funnel. What do we mean by that? Well, the main goal of your videos at the top of your funnel need to be highly engaging & focused on catching the eyes of potential customers - consumers are watching more video than ever in 2024 so you need to work harder to stand out in your niche.

The second stage of your funnel, your retargeting content, still need to focus on catching eyes but these videos need to look completely different to your top of funnel videos & need to contain new information. Your videos in your funnel should be like an onion, after each one is watched your consumers build up more information about you and after a while they will have a complete picture of your brand. If you keep telling them the same information, they won't build up that picture.

Stuart from Trendy Grandad video production working on a project for the National Geographic

Leverage Personalisation

Personalisation is a new currency for higher engagement & watch time. Why? Because it increases authenticity & shows your consumers that you care enough about them to tailor your content to them. Why do you think Netflix spend so much money on their algorithm? Because if you're into true crime & every time you logged on Disney Films appeared on your feed your going to bounce sharpish. The same applies with video ads & how do you do it? Well you create as many ideal customer profiles as you can and target with specific parts of your brand that are relevant to them.

A/B split test

The worst thing you can possibly do when filming content for your brand is to film one concept & hope it lands. Because I can almost guarantee, unless you've got a very established brand, the chances are slimmer than Slim Shady. Changing the hook of the video is the obvious way to split test video, however consumers react differently to even the smallest of changes, such as the colour of the backdrop, the expressions on models faces & someones accent. Running video on paid media is a refining process & that requires changing & adapting. Just make sure you do it!

Need help with increasing your conversion rate using video? Contact us

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