How to use Video Marketing to elevate your Shopify store

May 23, 2024
5 Minutes
How to use Video Marketing to elevate your Shopify store

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Creating your viewing environment

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In the exciting world of e-commerce, where attention spans are fleeting and competition is fierce, you may have found yourself wondering, “what can I be doing to boost sales and knockout competitors”, At least, that's what we suspect you've been pondering. Enter video marketing – a dark horse thats capable of turning your Shopify store from commonplace, to exceptional digital worlds of record breaking sales and revenue. Okay, that might be a bit OTT, but nonetheless, let's dive in!

What is Video Marketing?

Video marketing isn't just about slapping together some videos and hoping for the best. It's about using visual content smartly to grab people's attention, teach them something new, and maybe even inspire them to take action. Whether it's showing off your products in action or telling your brand's story, video marketing comes in all shapes and sizes to hook viewers and get them to do something.

Why Video Marketing is Crucial for Shopify Stores:

For any stat lovers out there, Video-rich sites increased users' time browsing by 88%, that’s right, 88%! (Source) Video marketing for Shopify stores is a huge game changer. Think about it, how many videos have you watched today? Or in the past week? Probably too many to count!

  • Be more interesting: Video content is highly engaging and captures viewers' attention more effectively than text or images alone, leading to increased interaction and brand engagement.
  • Show your products in action: Videos allow e-commerce brands to showcase their products with how-to videos and real life use examples, giving customers a better understanding of their features, benefits, and how they can be used.
  • Convey your brand personality: Video marketing provides an opportunity for Shopify stores to convey their brand personality and values in a dynamic and compelling way. We suggest getting creative with this, the bolder, the better.
  • Build Trust and Credibility: By providing valuable and informative content through videos, Shopify stores can build trust and credibility with their audience, ultimately leading to increased customer loyalty and repeat purchases.
  • Boost Conversions: As we highlighted earlier, studies have shown that incorporating video on product pages can increase conversion rates, as videos help customers make more informed purchasing decisions and reduce uncertainty about products.
  • SEO Benefits: Video content can improve Shopify stores' search engine rankings, as search engines like Google often prioritise video content in search results, leading to increased visibility and organic traffic - a big winner.
  • Social Media Integration: With the rise of TikTok, Videos have become even more popular on social media platforms, allowing Shopify stores to expand their reach and attract new customers through social media marketing efforts, and building that all important omnichannel marketing strategy.

The main takeaway here is, customers are just people, and people like you or I love to watch videos, because who has time to read through lengthy product descriptions and reviews? Not us! We want information served up effortlessly.

Key KPIs for Success with Video Marketing on Shopify:

Love them or hate them, KPIs are nifty metrics that will help you figure out if your videos are hitting the mark.

Conversion Rate: A marketers favourite, conversion rate. This tells you if people are actually buying stuff after watching your videos. It's the ultimate test of your video's effectiveness in driving e-commerce. sales. A high conversion rate means your video content is hitting home with your audience and prompting them to take action.

Time on Site: Next, we have time on site. This metric tells you if viewers are sticking around to watch more after watching your videos. The longer they stay on your site, the more engaged they are. A longer time on site indicates that your video content is holding their interest and encouraging them to explore further.

Watch Rate: Last but not least, there's the watch rate. This measures if viewers are actually watching your videos all the way through. It's not just about how many people start watching – it's about how many finish. A high watch rate indicates that your video content is engaging and compelling enough to keep viewers hooked till the end.

So there you have it – video marketing truly is your golden ticket to success on Shopify. With videos, you can captivate your audience, showcase your products, and carve out your own niche in the e-commerce universe. So go ahead, lights, camera, action – it's time to let your Shopify store shine! (Or if you prefer to get a professional video production company on board, just give us a buzz, and we'll handle all the heavy lifting for you.)

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