Adam Jones

Adam Jones

Managing Director

About Adam Jones

Adam went straight off to university after 6th form where he studied Economics and Finance Bsc at De Montfort University. After graduating with a 1st class degree he decided to give corporate life a go working at a multinational insurance firm.

However, it quickly became apparent that this wasn’t what he wanted to do. In the evenings and weekends he worked to learn marketing and use his analytical skills to run paid media campaigns. After meeting up for a coffee with Stokely we discovered that our skill sets were a match and we could really benefit clients by working together.

Fast forward 6 months and Adam had quit his corporate job and Stokely and Adam were working together to make Trendy Grandad what it is today.

Adam now takes care of Finance, operations and strategy whilst also taking the title of chief colourist. When Adam isn’t busy being a Trendy Grandad he is usually found being a terrible golfer.

Lastly, Stokely also spends his time public speaking teaching businesses about video marketing & content creation.